„Ich kreiere also bin ich“ got nominated for the #Awesomebloggeraward.

The awesome Blogger Helen, the host of the „Utopie versus Realität“ was nominated for the #AwesomeBloggerAward recently!
Congratulations and right so! (Thumbs up to Sovely from Murmelmeister).
To pass on the award she had to nominate at least five more blogs for the very same award.
I am very grateful and flattered that she nominated my blog, too.

Now it is my turn to scream and shout – AWESOME!

I am very happy and flattered, that she reads my blog and that she gets inspired from it.
On the other hand, I shared an article of hers recently, which gave me insipration and good vibrations!
I am uplifted by her blog, so I would love to nominate her back, but as far as I understand the rules of the award – I will need to nominate another 5 Blogs that I love and adore.

I am happy and excited to answer your indiscreet questions, dear Helen! 😊

About Awesome Blogger Award

This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.

Rules To Be Part Of Awesome Blogger Award

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
  • Answer the questions you were asked.
  • Nominate at least 5 bloggers and inform them of their nomination.
  • Give them 10 new questions to answer.

Questions for me:

  1. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
    A meditation where I focus on my purpose in life.
  2. What is the most important thing you learned in the past year?
    To not be stopped by the circumstances.
    Yes, you can be sad, you can be mad, you may be tired – and then do it anyway.
    Just don´t let those thoughts and feelings stop you.
  3. Are you an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert?
    I don´t know.
    A couple of days ago I was laughed at loudly when I said I were an introvert….
  4. What do you dream about?
    To complete on my life purpose.
  5. What makes you really angry?
    When people I love somehow judge me in a „wrong“ way…
    What does that tell you now?
  6. Where would you like to be right now, if you could be anywhere?
    In a house with a garden with my Sweet Love.
    A couple of friends and family are around there, too.
    Everybody is engaged in their favorite actions and we are still all connected.
  7. What is your way of coping with stress?
    Letting it go.
    …and yeah – sometimes I nag around. 🤪
  8. What is your favorite childhood memory?
    First is, laying on my belly in the grass, the sun is shining. I am all by myself and watching the grass grow. Sometimes an ant crosses my gaze and the bees and bumblebees make their lovely sounds. I smell the Earth and the the skin of my arm, on which my chin rests. Time is not an issue.
    Second is riding my bicycle realy fast with no other goal – also in summertime. Time is not an issue. And by the way – this is my FAVOURITE of your questions, dear Helen!
  9. Do you have a bucket list?
  10. What inspires you?
    When I am able to inspire others.
    When I heal.
    When I register new wirings in my brain.


My nominations:

    1. Peggy from The Gardot
    2. Philipp from Hoppla!
    3. The Group Jaysaro- Food fort he heart
    4. Kirsten from Kirsten Armbruster
    5. Stophel from Skill up your life
    6. Maria from Femalewritersclub
    7. Farouk from MS naiv – Leben mit meiner MS
    8. Hans from Schreibzeugs
    9. Sarah from – EinzigHEARTig unARTig
    10. Michael from Wahn und Sinn.

I have nominated these bloggers as I love their writing and they inspire me.
It should have been minimum  5. I added up to 10!

Questions to my nominees:

    1. What will be the first three things that are different, when you wake up in your ideal life?
    2. If you could pack your life purpose in a claim – what would be the claim?
    3. Who do you want to meet in this lifetime?
    4. What do you dream about?
    5. What are you looking forward in the next 7 days?
    6. Where would you like to be right now, if you could be anywhere?
    7. Which ist he most challenging topic on your todo-list?
    8. What is your favorite childhood memory?
    9. Tell us a favorite book or film of yours?
    10. What inspires you?


Thank you for reading and writing, and for joning my Blog-Family and for all the support and connection.

Looking forward to read you!

7 Antworten auf “„Ich kreiere also bin ich“ got nominated for the #Awesomebloggeraward.”

  1. Nochmal danke für deine netten Worte – ich habe das Gefühl ich habe das schon sehr oft bei dir kommentiert 😄 und natürlich für die interessanten Antworten! Da krieg‘ ich auch Lust, auf einer Wiese zu liegen und dem Gras beim Wachsen zuzusehen. ☀️🌾

    Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Liebe Karmen!

    …ich weiß ja gar nicht, was ich sagen soll…das finde ich echt hammer! Und ich fühle mich sehr geehrt! Danke dafür! 🙂
    …fast möchte ich behaupten, Du kennst mich ja nun ein wenig, so entlang unserer gemeinsamen Bloggerzeit, und so überrascht es Dich vielleicht nicht, dass ich mich „im Stillen einfach geschmeichelt fühlen und zufrieden mit der Zunge schnalzen und schnurren“ kann. 🙂

    Vielleicht aber auch den Award weiterreichen werde, denn auf Deine Fragen zu antworten, reizt mich schon sehr! 🙂

    Mal gucken, wie ich das schaffe… 😉

    Liebe Grüße

    Gefällt 1 Person

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